Source code for fbrelation.syntax.relation

Defines classes for parsing and compiling relation declarations, which consist
of a name, then a series of newline-separated box and connection declarations
inside a block of curly braces. Shell-style comments (prefixed with `#`) may be
included within the body::


from fbrelation.exceptions import ParsingError

from import BoxSyntax
from fbrelation.syntax.connection import ConnectionSyntax

from fbrelation.declarations.relation import RelationDeclaration

[docs]class RelationSyntax(object): ''' Represents the abstract syntax of a relation constraint declaration, consisting of a name, a list of box syntax objects, and a list of connection syntax objects. Note that order is preserved among boxes and among connections respectively, but that the order of connections relative to boxes is insignificant. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, name, boxes, connections): ''' Initializes a new relation syntax object with the given name and the the provided box and connection structures. ''' = name self.boxes = boxes self.connections = connections
[docs] def __str__(self): ''' Converts the syntax object into its raw string representation. ''' boxStrings = [str(box) for box in self.boxes] connectionStrings = [str(connection) for connection in self.connections] return '%s\n{\n %s\n\n %s\n}' % (, '\n '.join(boxStrings), '\n '.join(connectionStrings))
[docs] def compile(self, relations): ''' Checks and compiles this relation constraint from its abstract syntax into a new :class:`.RelationDeclaration.` object. :param relations: The list of relation declarations compiled so far. Used to resolve macro references. :returns: the newly created relation declaration. :raises: a :class:`.CompilationError` if any static checks fail. ''' # Compile each relation one-by-one, accumulating them into a list boxDeclarations = [] for boxSyntax in self.boxes: box = boxSyntax.compile(boxDeclarations, relations) boxDeclarations.append(box) # With all the boxes compiled, compile all of the connections and use # both to construct and return a new relation declaration return RelationDeclaration(, boxDeclarations, [c.compile(boxDeclarations) for c in self.connections])
[docs] def parse(cls, text): ''' Parses the given input text to produce a new RelationSyntax object. :returns: the newly created syntax object. :raises: a :class:`.ParsingError` if syntax is invalid. ''' # Ensure that there are no extraneous braces to confuse things if text.count('{') != 1 or text.count('}') != 1: raise ParsingError( 'Invalid syntax for a relation constraint declaration. ' 'Expected a single block enclosed in curly braces.') # Get the position of each curly brace so we can slice the input text openingPos = text.find('{') closingPos = text.find('}') # Slice up to the opening brace to get the name of the constraint name = text[:openingPos].strip() if not name: raise ParsingError( 'Invalid syntax for a relation constraint declaration. ' 'Expected the block to be explicitly named.') # Collect the individual declarations (either box or connection) # line-by-line boxDeclarationsText = [] connectionDeclarationsText = [] for line in cls.splitBodyLines(text[openingPos+1:closingPos]): if '->' in line: connectionDeclarationsText.append(line) else: boxDeclarationsText.append(line) # Parse the collected input text and use the resulting data structures # to construct a new RelationSyntax object return RelationSyntax( name, [BoxSyntax.parse(t) for t in boxDeclarationsText], [ConnectionSyntax.parse(t) for t in connectionDeclarationsText])
[docs] def splitBodyLines(cls, text): ''' Given the input text for a relation constraint definition's body, returns a list of the individual lines of that definition, omitting whitespace and comments. ''' def remove_comments(line): ''' Returns the given line stripped of any comments. ''' hashPos = line.find('#') return line[:hashPos] if hashPos >= 0 else line # Remove comments, strip whitespace, and return only non-blank lines lines = map(str.strip, map(remove_comments, text.splitlines())) return [l for l in lines if l]