print cube.Selected
cube.Selected = True
cube.Selected = False
cube.LongName = 'alpha:bravo:Cube'
print cube.LongName # prints 'alpha:bravo:Cube'
print cube.Name # prints 'Cube'
cube.Name = 'Kubus'
print cube.LongName # prints 'alpha:bravo:Kubus'
FBNamespaceAction.kFBConcatNamespace, 'OLD')
FBNamespaceAction.kFBReplaceNamespace, 'OLD', 'NEW')
cube.PropertyList.Find('Show').Data = True
cube.Show = True # <-- equivalent
cube.Translation = FBVector3d(0.0, 5.0, 0.0)
m = FBMatrix(); cube.GetMatrix(m)
for i in (4, 5, 6):
m[i] *= 2.0 # Double the Y-scale
m[13] += 5.0 # Move up along global Y by 5 units
''' If parentModel were already childModel's Parent, setting it so would
instead UNparent it (for some reason). In lieu of this check, we could also
set childModel.Parent = None before proceeding. '''
if childModel.Parent != parentModel:
childModel.Parent = parentModel
Around 0:50, I make a comparison between MotionBuilder's components and Maya's nodes. This comparison is apt in that components and nodes are the most basic object type in their respective applications, but they're not exactly equivalent.
Most importantly, Maya's nodes implement functionality which in MotionBuilder is delegated to multiple classes, primarily FBBox in addition to FBComponent. Whereas Maya uses groups of multiple nodes to represent complex objects, MotionBuilder implements specialized object types by way of inheritance.
A similar caveat: At 0:54, when you see the depiction of the source and destination relationships that connect all the components in the scene, you may be reminded of Maya's Hypergraph editor, where the lines running between objects represent the lazily-evaluated flow of animation data for specific properties. This is not what source and destination connections do.
MotionBuilder has a very similar system for evaluating animation data in real-time, but it's done (roughly speaking) on a property-to-property basis rather than a component-to-component basis. As we'll get into later on, real-time evaluation of properties involves animation nodes which belong to FBBox objects. FBComponents themselves do not deal with animation.
Source and destination connections only describe relationships between components — they don't convey any data. MotionBuilder manages them transparently, and you should never need to worry about modifying them yourself.
If you see any errors that you'd like to point out, feel free to email me at