Source code for fbrelation.syntax.program

Defines classes for parsing and compiling programs, which consist of a series
of relation constraint declarations::


import re

from fbrelation.syntax.relation import RelationSyntax

from fbrelation.declarations.program import ProgramDeclaration

[docs]class ProgramSyntax(object): ''' Represents the abstract syntax of an entire program, which consists of a series of relation declarations. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, relations): ''' Initializes a new program syntax structure with the given list of relation syntax objects. ''' self.relations = relations
[docs] def __str__(self): ''' Converts the program back into a raw string representation equivalent to its input text. ''' relationStrings = [str(relation) for relation in self.relations] return '%s\n' % '\n\n'.join(relationStrings)
[docs] def compile(self): ''' Compiles the entire program from its abstract syntax structure into a :class:`.ProgramDeclaration`. :returns: the resulting program declaration. :raises: a :class:`.CompilationError` if the program fails to statically check. ''' # Compile each relation constraint one-by-one, collecting the newly # created declarations into a list relationDeclarations = [] for relationSyntax in self.relations: # Pass the list of previously-created relations to the new one relation = relationSyntax.compile(relationDeclarations) relationDeclarations.append(relation) # Construct a new program from the accumulated relation declarations return ProgramDeclaration(relationDeclarations)
[docs] def parse(cls, text): ''' Parses the given input text to produce a new ProgramSyntax object. :returns: the newly created syntax structure for the entire program. :raises: a :class:`.ParsingError` if the program contains any invalid syntax. ''' return ProgramSyntax([RelationSyntax.parse(t) for t in re.compile(r'.*\s*{[^{}]*}').findall(text)])