Source code for fbrelation.syntax.connection

Defines classes for parsing and compiling connection declarations, which
consist of exactly two node declarations separated by an arrow (`->`)::

    <node> -> <node>

from fbrelation.exceptions import ParsingError

from fbrelation.syntax.node import NodeSyntax

from fbrelation.declarations.connection import ConnectionDeclaration

[docs]class ConnectionSyntax(object): ''' Represents the abstract syntax of a connection declaration, which consists of two node syntax objects. The source node conveys data (output) to the destination node (input). '''
[docs] def __init__(self, srcNode, dstNode): ''' Initializes a new connection syntax object with the given source and destination nodes. ''' self.src = srcNode self.dst = dstNode
[docs] def __str__(self): ''' Converts the connection syntax back into raw text. ''' return '%s -> %s' % (str(self.src), str(self.dst))
[docs] def compile(self, boxes): ''' Compiles this object into a :class:`.ConnectionDeclaration` by compiling the source and destination nodes in turn. :param boxes: The list of compiled box declarations. :returns: the newly created connection declaration. :raises: a :class:`.CompilationError` if any static checks fail. ''' return ConnectionDeclaration( self.src.compile(boxes, isSrc = True), self.dst.compile(boxes, isSrc = False))
[docs] def parse(cls, text): ''' Parses the given input text to produce a new ConnectionSyntax object. :returns: the newly created syntax object. :raises: a :class:`.ParsingError` if the syntax is invalid. ''' # Split the input string on the arrow, which should result in a # two-element list containing the source node and destination node tokens = text.split('->') # Raise a syntax error if we don't have exactly two tokens if len(tokens) < 2 or not tokens[0] or not tokens[1]: raise ParsingError( '"%s": Incomplete connection declaration.' % text) elif len(tokens) > 2: raise ParsingError( '"%s": Too many nodes for a single connection declaration.' % text) # Parse the individual nodes and construct a new ConnectionSyntax # data structure srcNodeText, dstNodeText = tokens return cls( NodeSyntax.parse(srcNodeText), NodeSyntax.parse(dstNodeText))