Source code for fbrelation.syntax.attributelist

Defines classes for parsing attribute lists, which are comma-separated
key/value pairs, with values in double quotes and preceded by the equals sign::

    <name>="<value>", <name>="<value>", ..., <name>="<value>"

import re

from fbrelation.exceptions import ParsingError

[docs]class AttributeListSyntax(object): ''' Represents the abstract syntax of an attribute list, consisting of a collection of named attributes with associated values. Implements container semantics (via `in` and `[]`) to allow easy access to these key-value mappings. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, attributes): ''' Initializes a new attribute list syntax object with the given dictionary of attribute-name-to-attribute-value mappings. ''' self.attributes = attributes
[docs] def __contains__(self, key): ''' Allows the use of the `in` keyword to determine whether an attribute with the given name is present in the list. ''' return key in self.attributes
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): ''' Allows the use of square-bracket notation to retrieve the value associated with a specified attribute. ''' return self.attributes[key]
[docs] def __str__(self): ''' Converts the syntax object back to text. ''' return ', '.join( ['%s="%s"' % (key, self[key]) for key in sorted(self.attributes)])
[docs] def parse(cls, text): ''' Parses the given input text to produce a new AttributeListSyntax object. :returns: the newly created attribute list structure. :raises: a :class:`.ParsingError` if the syntax is invalid. ''' # Parse the attribute mappings and collect them into a dictionary attributes = {} for mapping in text.split(','): # Match each attribute mapping against a regular expression, # capturing the attribute's name and value match = re.match(r'([^="]*)=\s*"([^"]*)"', mapping) if not match: raise ParsingError( '"%s": Invalid syntax for a box attribute mapping.' % text) name, value = match.groups() # Ensure that attribute names aren't duplicated if name in attributes: raise ParsingError( '"%s": Attribute name "%s" is used more than once.' % (text, name)) # Add the attribute mapping to the dictionary attributes[name.strip()] = value.strip() # Construct a new AttributeListSyntax object from the dictionary of # attribute -> value mappings return cls(attributes)