Source code for fbrelation.declarations.node.macrotool

Defines classes for node declarations that relate to macro tools. Macro tools
are the input or output boxes which allow a relation to be used as a macro.

from fbrelation.declarations.node.base import NodeDeclaration

[docs]class MacroToolNodeDeclaration(NodeDeclaration): ''' Represents a macro input or output as referenced in a connection declaration. A macro tool has exactly one node, so it requires no name or index in order to resolve that node from the associated FBBox. '''
[docs] def execute(self, boxComponent): ''' Overridden to simply use the first and only animation node on the appropriate side (input vs. output) of the given FBBox object. ''' try: node = self._getParentNode(boxComponent).Nodes[0] except IndexError: assert False, ( 'Macro tool boxes must have exactly one input or output node.') return node