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Defines classes for node declarations that represent ordinary boxes.

from fbrelation.exceptions import ExecutionError

from fbrelation.declarations.node.base import NodeDeclaration

[docs]class BoxNodeDeclaration(NodeDeclaration): ''' Represents an animation node associated with an ordinary box. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, boxDeclaration, nodeName, isSrc): ''' Initializes a new declaration object for a box node, storing the given node name for use in finding the animation node within the box. ''' super(BoxNodeDeclaration, self).__init__(boxDeclaration, isSrc) self.nodeName = nodeName
[docs] def execute(self, boxComponent): ''' Overridden to find the associated node by name within the given FBBox object. :returns: the FBAnimationNode that corresponds to this declaration. :raises: an :class:`.ExecutionError` if no matching node is found. ''' nodeComponent = self._findNode(boxComponent, self.nodeName) if not nodeComponent: raise ExecutionError( 'Could not find a node named "%s" in the box named "%s".' % (self.nodeName, return nodeComponent