Source code for fbrelation.declarations.connection

Defines declaration classes for connections between nodes.

import pyfbsdk

[docs]class ConnectionDeclaration(object): ''' Defines a connection declaration, which consists of two node declarations. The source (output) node connects to the destination (input) node. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, srcNodeDeclaration, dstNodeDeclaration): ''' Initializes the connection with the given node declaration objects. ''' self.src = srcNodeDeclaration self.dst = dstNodeDeclaration
[docs] def execute(self, boxComponents): ''' Executes the connection, causing a connection to be made between the FBAnimationNode objects referred to in each node declaration. :param boxComponents: A dictionary which maps the names of already-compiled box declarations to their corresponding FBBox objects. :returns: nothing, as there is no corresponding MotionBuilder object which represents a connection. :raises: an :class:`.ExecutionError` if the nodes could not be executed. ''' # Find the actual FBBoxes which contain the nodes to connect srcBoxComponent = boxComponents[] dstBoxComponent = boxComponents[] # Execute each node to obtain the FBAnimationNodes from those boxes srcNode = self.src.execute(srcBoxComponent) dstNode = self.dst.execute(dstBoxComponent) # Connect the two nodes in order to execute the connection pyfbsdk.FBConnect(srcNode, dstNode)