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Defines classes for macro tools, special forms of function boxes that allow
the relation constraints in which they're included to be used as a macros.

from import FunctionBoxDeclaration
from fbrelation.declarations.node import MacroToolNodeDeclaration

[docs]class MacroToolBoxDeclaration(FunctionBoxDeclaration): ''' Defines the base class for a macro tool box, which may be either an input or an output within some relation constraint. '''
[docs] def createNodeDeclaration(self, nodeName, isSrc): ''' Overridden to use the :class:`.MacroToolNodeDeclaration` class for nodes that reference macro inputs or outputs. ''' return MacroToolNodeDeclaration(self, isSrc)
[docs] def supportsNode(self, nodeName): ''' Overridden to require that no nodeName be specified in the connection declaration, since a macro tool has exactly one input or output node, which is not addressed by name. ''' return not nodeName
[docs] def isMacroTool(self, isInput): ''' Overridden to be pure virtual, since for a generalized macro tool the significance of isInput can not be determined. ''' raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class MacroInputBoxDeclaration(MacroToolBoxDeclaration): ''' Defines the declaration of a macro input box, which has a single output node within some relation constraint. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, name, inputType): ''' Initializes a macro input box of the specified type, passing the appropriate group and type name to the superclass constructor. :param inputType: Valid built-in types are "Bool", "ColorAndAlpha", "Number", "Time", and "Vector". ''' super(MacroInputBoxDeclaration, self).__init__( name, 'Macro Tools', 'Macro Input %s' % inputType)
[docs] def isMacroTool(self, isInput): ''' Overridden to indicate that this box is an input macro tool. ''' return isInput
[docs]class MacroOutputBoxDeclaration(MacroToolBoxDeclaration): ''' Defines the declaration of a macro output box, which has a single input node within some relation constraint. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, name, outputType): ''' Initializes a macro output box of the specified type, passing the appropriate group and type name to the superclass constructor. :param outputType: Valid built-in types are "Bool", "ColorAndAlpha", "Number", "Time", and "Vector". ''' super(MacroOutputBoxDeclaration, self).__init__( name, 'Macro Tools', 'Macro Output %s' % outputType)
[docs] def isMacroTool(self, isInput): ''' Overridden to indicate that this box is an output macro tool. ''' return not isInput