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Defines base classes for box declarations that represent function boxes.

from fbrelation.exceptions import ExecutionError

from import BoxDeclaration

[docs]class FunctionBoxDeclaration(BoxDeclaration): ''' Base class for function boxes, which are created from a pool of box types types organized into groups. Group and box type names can not be know until runtime, nor can the names of the nodes of any given box type. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, name, groupName, typeName): ''' Initializes a new function box declaration representing a instance of the given box type from the given group. ''' super(FunctionBoxDeclaration, self).__init__(name) self.groupName = groupName self.typeName = typeName
[docs] def execute(self, constraint, relationComponents): ''' Executes the box declaration by creating function box of the appropriate type in the given constraint. :returns: the newly created FBBox. :raises: an :class:`.ExecutionError` if MotionBuilder does not recognize the group or type name. ''' box = constraint.CreateFunctionBox(self.groupName, self.typeName) if not box: raise ExecutionError( 'Could not create a "%s" function box from the group "%s".' % (self.typeName, self.groupName)) return box